9 Life Hacks To Improve Your Happiness

The Internet is full of articles and listicles about life hacks and far out ways to make life easier, better, more enjoyable, etc. You name it, there is an abundant amount of information out there that will enable you to enhance your life. From meditating to drinking more water, eating only lettuce to shouting mantras at yourself in the mirror. I’ve read many of these, and found much to be true for many people, and some to not hold much weight in actual application of real life.

Since meeting my wife and son almost five years ago, I’ve kept a journal for him of life lessons, following his growth trajectory. When we experience something challenging, I write the lesson down for him. When I find a great article or post, I write those down for him. When I think of a transformational book or movie, I write it down for him to consume later in life. When he turns 15, I’ll have had this journal published and printed for him to have the primary copy, and others to share out into the world.

This post is a variable of all of that jazz. What I’ve come to realize is a life hack to happiness may read as extremely boring to you, or it may ring true. Either way, this is what has worked for me thus far:

  1. Have events to look forward to. Concerts, trips, sporting events, dinner with friends, receiving something in the mail you ordered for yourself, saving up for a vacation home with your love, taking a class, getting married, planning a party, getting a morning coffee at your local coffee shop … whatever it is, it’s important to have positive anticipation in life. This takes a bit of planning and work, sure, but the reward is immeasurable.

  2. Spending time with people you enjoy. This may be spending time at a networking event, going to adult summer camp or spending most of your time in solitude. If you aren’t enjoying the crowd you’re in, bounce. There is much to be said about enjoying your own company. Many authors have written classic works in solitude. There is a quiet peace that can’t be achieved in the presence of the hustle and bustle of others busy minds. I quite enjoy the company of some, and don’t enjoy the company of others. I’ve learned to navigate that delicately as an adult, and to respect my personal needs.

  3. Keep your home, life and car clean and tidy. Do your laundry from start to finish - put it away! Pay your bills early or on time. Do the dishes. Keep your bedroom and bathroom clean. Throw trash away instead of leaving it in your cupholder. Decorate intentionally & responsibly. Manage your money responsibly and let your accounts grow to a state of wealth accumulation. The sooner you develop healthy and productive habits, the happier and easier your life will be.

  4. Consume healthy contents. Media, food, drinks, water, information, air. Everything we come into contact with absolute makes a difference to our well being. If we’re drinking bottled water filled with chemicals and plastics, that’s not

  5. Develop and facilitate connection. This can be connection with another person, a dog, a hobby, the spiritual realm, a career, anything. Connection is what keeps us grounded, motivated and engaged. Develop a passion for something. Motivation does not come first, it comes later in the process. Take action, explore things, even if just for a short time. Never tried a book club? Find one in your area and give it a shot. Interested in dating again after healing from your last relationship? Sign up for a dating app and put your best foot forward. Always considered knitting, but never picked up a needle? Go to your local arts and crafts store, get the materials and tools, and get to it! YouTube is a fantastic resource for teaching near anything. Whatever it is, being connected to someone and something is a key to life.

  6. Live kindly and respectfully. This includes treating yourself well, and treating others well. I bucketize a wide variety of activities and strategies into this category.

    • Dressing for the occasion, in well fitting clothes of good quality.

    • The chatter inside your head - our thoughts and words are vital to our well-being. Negative thoughts are quite okay to have, but watch them move along, don’t let them take up residence in your mind space.

    • Treat others well: hold the door for others, no matter the age, gender, etc. Say please and thank you, and genuinely. Pay for your parents’ meal. Lend a hand without being asked when someone is in need. If someone asks for help that normally doesn’t ask, jump in and help them with a positive and loving attitude.

    • Be kind to yourself. Read books, write and journal, eat well, drink well, live well. Maintain good hygiene, no one enjoys a stinky person. Hire a life coach when you need to talk through something, or get a better strategy of accountability on something. See a therapist when things get really difficult, and trauma needs to be addressed. Eat until you’re almost full, but not stuffed. Enjoy a treat every now and then, but keep your daily consumption on the healthier, whole foods side of the balance.

    • Give to others. We’ve all struggled at some point, with something. Whether with money, loneliness or direction in life, we’ve all had a struggle (I hope). You never know what person will have their life changed because of a kind word, a shared meal, a monetary gift, a ride to the grocery store, a safe place to rest … whatever it is, giving to someone in need is infinitely beneficial.

  7. Spend time outside. With the modern creature comforts of HVAC, indoor plumbing, electricity and other technology, we’ve grown to spend too much time indoors. This leads to declining health quality, low vitamin D levels and an overall disastisfaction with life. Think about who you know that spends too much time indoors … how happy and healthy are they? Now, who do you know that spends tons of time outdoors … how happy and healthy are they? Of course other factors go into this, it’s not a simple as I’m boiling it down to be here, but, there is a significant abundance of health benefits to spending time outdoors and in nature. Trees, sunlight, bodies of water, snow, beautiful scenery, flowers and animals bring us tremendous health benefits. Feeling down? Go outside. Feeling sad? Go hug a tree, literally. Feeling stagnant and without a challenge? Start a garden.

  8. Do difficult things. We need challenges, activities and problems to solve. Once you let the easy things be easy (put your laundry away, pay your bills on time, maintain good health and hygiene, etc.) then you can focus on proper challenges. Do a tough mudder, start a hobby or join a team sport. Whatever it is, choose your challenge, don’t let the challenges choose you.

  9. Control your emotions so your emotions don’t control you. We all have feelings, sometimes ones we don’t understand. Learn to identify your feelings, put a conscious construct around them, and find healthy outlets to work through them with grace and ease. It’s not always going to be pretty, but don’t let your emotions control your mood, attitude and quality of life.

    Life is teeming with opportunity to enhance our happiness, well-being, health and wealth. There’ve been a plethora of books written on this subject, blogs are a plenty, and there’s always more to learn about it. You never know when someone will spark an idea for you to tweak your habits, or when you’ll learn about something that’s extraordinarily life changing. Some days might feel stagnant, others might feel wildly overwhelming with change. Keep on your path, continually integrate improvements into your life.